Vajrayana Buddhism Association

December Class and Meditation Schedule (Toronto)

December Class and Meditation Schedule (Toronto)

Introduction to Meditation: Saturday 10:30-noon (NB: vacation break Dec. 22 and 29)

Beginning Nov. 17, we will be running ten sessions every Saturday 10:30-noon on non-duality of mind and breathing. This is a continuation of our introductory classes with an emphasis on breathing as a tool in meditation for bringing awareness to the functioning (vitality) of the/your mind.…

November Class and Meditation Schedule (Toronto)

November Class and Meditation Schedule (Toronto)

Introduction to Meditation: Saturday 10:30-noon

Beginning Nov. 17, we will be running sessions every Saturday 10:30-noon on non-duality of mind and breathing. This is a continuation of our introductory classes with an emphasis on breathing as a tool in meditation for bringing awareness to the functioning (vitality) of the/your mind.

Sneak Preview on The Secret Collection

The Secret Collection of Works on the Essential Path of Mahāyāna
A Compilation of Early Chinese Translations of Tibetan Tantric Buddhist Texts
Foreword by Shek-Wing Tam
Introduction by Shen Weirong
Peking University Press
Published September 2012

In Chinese with Foreword and Introduction in Chinese and English

Tibetan Buddhism was practiced in the Mongol royal court during the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368).…

October Class and Meditation Schedule (Toronto)

October Class and Meditation Schedule (Toronto)

Introduction to Meditation: Saturday 10:30-noon [closed on Oct. 27 for special event]

NB: October 6 is the Thanksgiving long weekend. The Toronto centre will be closed.

Intermediate Class: Tuesday 7:30pm; Saturday 9:30am

Ocean of Wisdom Group Meditation: Wednesday, Oct. 10, 8:30pm

Monthly Group Meditation: Saturday, Oct.

September Schedule (Toronto)

September Schedule (Toronto)

Introduction to Meditation: Saturday 10:30-noon

Intermediate Meditation: Tuesday 7:30pm; Saturday 9:30am

Ocean of Wisdom Group Meditation: Monday, Sept. 10, 8:30pm

Monthly Group Meditation: Saturday, Sept. 29, 8pm…

July Class and Meditation Schedule

July Class and Meditation Schedule

Beginner’s Meditation Class:

Saturdays 11am

Intermediate Dharma and Meditation Class:

Tuesdays 7:30pm
Saturdays 9-11am
NB: the June monthly group meditation has been moved from June 23 to July 7.

Ocean of Wisdom Group Meditation:

Friday July 13 8:30pm…

On Conduct

On Conduct

A lay perspective on Buddhist’s conduct can be an intriguing one. A non-scientific sampling of Internet searches may turn up answers about compassion, vegetarianism, new age spiritualism, and possibly political activism in Tibet, much coloured by popular media. Some view Buddhism as an alternative to or an escape from traditional religious practices.…

A Note on Meditation

A Note on Meditation

Stress and the Mind

We know the importance of keeping the mind and body balanced. We put a lot of emphasis on being physically healthy but how do we keep our mind healthy?

Our mind can create both happiness and sadness.…

Natural Appearance, Natural Liberation

One of Master Tam’s publication, “The Dhyana of Living and Dying” (生與死的禪法) is now available in English as “Natural Appearance, Natural Liberation.” Published by the Canadian publisher, Sumeru Press, it is a commentary is based on the six bardos teachings from a series of hidden treasure texts known as the Profound Dharma of Natural Liberation through the intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones, discovered by the great terton Karma Lingpa.

Master Tam’s 78th Birthday

Students from afar came to celebrate Master Tam’s birthday on May 17. The day started with meditation in the afternoon followed by dinner at night. There were many entertaining performances throughout the dinner, including the auspicious peacock!

A picture is worth a thousand words.…