Vajrayana Buddhism Association

An Introduction to “Beyond Words” Series

Translator’s note: Master Tam wrote series of books called Beyond Words (離言叢書) between 2011 and 2021. During this time he published thirteen books of commentary to Buddhist sūtras and treatises using the teaching of Buddha-Within. These books include Saṃdhi-nirmocana-sūtra, The Lion’s Roar of Queen Śrīmālā, as well as Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment that we are currently serializing on this website.

Perfect Enlightenment: Intro and Table of Contents

By readers’ request, Master Tam decided to present his commentary to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment as an overview to the Buddhist foundation, practice, and fruition. He posted a weekly column on the VBA website (Chinese) in 2016. In 2020, the column was extended and published as The Secret Meaning of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenmentwhich became the 12th book in the  Beyond Words series, aiming to offer a lay and non-sectarian view on scriptures in the Buddhist Canon.…

Perfect Enlightenment 34: On Conducting Meditation Retreats


On conducting meditation retreats, Buddha’s answer was very concrete. He said,

“Good Sons, among all sentient beings, whether it is when the Buddha is alive, or after he has passed away, or even during the period of the degeneration of the dharma, there are a number who have the aptitude for Mahayana and who have faith in the Buddha’s mysterious mind of great Perfect Enlightenment, and who want to practice it.…

Perfect Enlightenment 31: Universal Enlightenment Inquires On Conduct


The tenth inquiring bodhisattva is Universal Enlightenment, in terms of the practice, the ninth.

To answer Purifier of All Karmic Hinderances, Buddha pointed out the kind of meditation sicknesses a practitioner may have. Objectifying realizations, understanding, insight, enlightenment, these are all meditation sicknesses, which led to the request of Universal Enlightenment, “Greatly Compassionate World-Honoured One.…