Category: Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment

Translator’s Preface

Not too long ago I came across a newspaper column discussing the guru-student relationship. The columnist wrote, many a times he gave a seminar on Buddhism, he encountered a question irrelevant to the topic of discussion, that if one’s master is not what one had expected, especially in terms of his conduct, what is one to do?…

Perfect Enlightenment 7: Buddha Answers Mañjuśrī, On the Perfect Awareness

In Buddha’s answer to Mañjuśrī, he said, “Good sons, the unsurpassed King of the dharma possesses the great dhāraṇī-entrance. It is called Perfect Enlightenment. From it is manifested all purity, suchness, bodhi, nirvāṇa and the paramitas that teach bodhisattvas.”

According to the text, “perfect enlightenment is this great dhāraṇī-entrance, the epitome of entrances, epitomizes the dharma and other relevant teachings.…