Author: envba

Philosophy East and West

by Vivian Tsang

My teacher, Tam Shek-Wing, is a teacher following the Nyingma tradition. After translating one of his books, what still stands out after three years since its publication is his opening paragraph:

Buddha taught prajñā pāramitā, which was later compiled into the Prajñā series in the Buddhist Canon.

Classes in 2022

Due to the ongoing pandemic and its senior population, VBA (Toronto branch) remains closed for indoor gatherings.

For information in Chinese, click on 中文 in the top menu. (They have ongoing zoom sessions in Mandarin for existing students and may let newcomers in on a case-by-case basis.)…

The Dhāraṇī of Entering Non-conceptuality

Avikalpapraveśa-dhāraṇī is an important scripture in Mahāyāna Buddhism. In Dharmadharmatāvibhaṇga, authored by Maitreya, the teaching on the stages of practice is established on the basis of this scripture, bridging the path of preparation to the path of insight and beyond.…

Classes in 2021

Due to the pandemic, VBA (Toronto branch) remains closed for indoor gatherings.

In the fall of 2020, a small group (Toronto branch) began meeting outdoors semi-regularly on Saturdays. We have resumed such meetings from time to time whenever possible. For those who are interested, feel free to reach out to

Classes in 2020

Due to the pandemic and the number of elderly members we have, VBA Toronto remains closed at the moment.

A small group has begun meeting outdoors semi-regularly on Saturdays. For now, it is catered to students who have been studying and practising Buddhism for a while.…

Fourfold Dependent Arising and the Profound Prajnaparamita

Master Tam’s Fourfold Dependent Arising and the Profound Prajnaparamita (四重緣起深般若) was originally published in 2004 by Buddhall Publishing.

While there were Huayan’s tradition of four kinds of dependent arising and Tsongkhapa’s threefold dependent origination, Master Tam was first to present the Buddhist practice in terms of fourfold dependent arising, providing the stepping stone needed in following Buddha’s path to shed light on Prajnaparamita, or the perfection of wisdom.…